Thursday, May 27, 2010

Great Moving Tags

Okay, I am all about organization - a tad over the top at times. But, for this move, I think that quirk in my personality is going to come in handy! Anyway, I am creating a spreadsheet that will inventory all of the boxes I am packing - with detailed contents of each box. I was looking for a way to also color-code the boxes to help the movers know where to put them when we get to our new place. Yesterday I found, which sell these kits that include color-coded sets, and room hangers to help movers find the rooms. You hear horror stories of kitchen boxes ending up in bedrooms, etc. I guess that wouldn't necessarily be horrible, but it would be a nuisance.

The kit I ordered is for Large homes, and for $19.95 included 156 stickers with 12 different colors, and zoning charts. I can't wait to get it and try it out! I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ticking Clock - Selecting a Mover

Well, with three weeks to go, things are starting to feel real. We interviewed movers, and have selected one, with a date for The Move all set.

Here's one suggestion one of our movers offered - to do two smaller moves. His company offered to come a week or more before the actual move, and as long as they took half the contents of the house, there would be no additional charge. This way, we could clear out the attic, the sheds, and those things we don't use everyday, and start to see what was left to do for the final assault. I like that idea, and if all goes well, I'll implement it. But, first, i need to start getting more organized!

My goal for tonight - to create an Excel spreadsheet that will help inventory all of the boxes we are packing - that way I can know what number corresponds to what items and where the heck it belongs in the new place. Fun stuff!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tips and Suggestions from the Movers

I interviewed two movers last week, and am waiting for the final quote before making our decision. Both came highly recommended, which is very important in my eyes. You want to be sure that whoever is moving all your stuff treats it with the same care and respect that you do.

Out of both interviews, I gleaned a few good tips about moving that I'd like to share:

  • if you aren't doing a relocation move, or a package deal with a mover, it is often much less expensive to purchase your moving supplies from Home Depot or Lowes rather than the mover, since their rates are higher. I checked prices, and found that I could get boxes for $.99 to $2.00 at Home Depot vs. $3.00 - $6.00 with the movers. That adds up quickly.
  • The one kind of box that both movers recommended getting from a mover was a wardrobe box, since apparently the ones sold at the box stores were more cheaply constructed. This made sense, and I certainly don't want my wardrobe boxes to buckle!
  • One mover made a suggestion for moving bedding - I asked him what to do about stripping the beds right before the moving day. He said to buy a box of Contractor's Trash Bags and use those for bedding and softer goods like blankets, duvet covers, etc. They won't break or tear like a large trash bag, and will be easy to move and identify in the new place.
  • Buying a bunch of plastic storage bins is also a good idea, since it makes it easy to move them, and open and close if you need to get in them several times during packing and unpacking. I think this makes a lot of sense, and several friends have recommended this as well, especially for things like children's toys, etc. where you may need to get back into the box right up to the last day.

I'll continue to share more advice as I receive it!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Getting Organized for the Move

My first course of action for any new project in my life is to conduct research - it is my background and my profession, so I always feel much more in control when I have researched and investigated everything I can about a particular subject. Getting ready to jump into this move with both feet, I immediately scoured the web for guides and suggestions and tools to help me through this most massive project. The first tool I found that I'd like to share is a neat Moving Calendar. It's located at and it gives a great way to plan your move. Now, when i entered a few bits of data about my move date, where I was moving from and to, and whether I had pets or children (both!),it kicked out a list of 120 "to-do" items. Not all were necessarily relevant (there were a bunch up front on curb appeal and how to sell your home, which I am already past) so I just deleted those from the checklist. I liked feeling as if I had given a few things a thought, and there were some immediate flags that I hadn't thought of (if we have to store our stuff for a bit, we need to be sure our home owner's insurance policy covers the storage). So, this was a great way to get started and put my mindset in MOVE mode.

Launching Project Move Our Home

It's been a long journey to get to this point, and I know that the fun is really yet to begin. We listed our home for sale last year in a flagging real estate market, and didn't sell. Over the winter, we hunkered down and got ready to jump back into the market at the first sign things were thawing out in the market. We listed our home in early March 2010 and had it under agreement within the month. Now comes the fun part - packing to move! We are due to move out on June 16th, a short 33 days from today. While more than ready in spirit, the reality of moving a 9-room house with 3 children and a few small pets, after we've been happily ensconced for the past 14 years is starting to hit me. Yikes! It doesn't help that we have no idea where we're going. Double Yikes! Fear not, this will all work out - or at least that is what I continually repeat to myself as a mantra, hoping that by sheer repetition and force of will it will come true. Anyway, I'm intending to use this site to share what I learn along the way to make this the easiest move ever! We'll see how successful I am - I only have 30+ days to do it, so you'll be able to tell rather quickly whether I've succeeded or not.

Along the way, if anyone has any hints or suggestions for moving, by all means CHIME IN!