Friday, May 14, 2010

Launching Project Move Our Home

It's been a long journey to get to this point, and I know that the fun is really yet to begin. We listed our home for sale last year in a flagging real estate market, and didn't sell. Over the winter, we hunkered down and got ready to jump back into the market at the first sign things were thawing out in the market. We listed our home in early March 2010 and had it under agreement within the month. Now comes the fun part - packing to move! We are due to move out on June 16th, a short 33 days from today. While more than ready in spirit, the reality of moving a 9-room house with 3 children and a few small pets, after we've been happily ensconced for the past 14 years is starting to hit me. Yikes! It doesn't help that we have no idea where we're going. Double Yikes! Fear not, this will all work out - or at least that is what I continually repeat to myself as a mantra, hoping that by sheer repetition and force of will it will come true. Anyway, I'm intending to use this site to share what I learn along the way to make this the easiest move ever! We'll see how successful I am - I only have 30+ days to do it, so you'll be able to tell rather quickly whether I've succeeded or not.

Along the way, if anyone has any hints or suggestions for moving, by all means CHIME IN!

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